Calibration, Test and Control Systems for Flow, Leakage and Pressure
The standard series of our measurement, test and control systems are optimally coordinated with the classic measuring, testing and control tasks with regard to the quality testing of air and gas-carrying components or devices. The individual functions of each series of devices can also be easily combined into one housing, even with a highly automated testing system.
LMF Flow Measurement System
The Laminar Master Flow, called LMF- System for short, automates the dynamic and high-precision measurement of volume and mass flows in air and gases with different flow measuring elements with optional electronic pressure or flow control.
LMS Leakage Testing System
The Leckage Measurement System, called LMS-System for short, automates leak testing tasks for air and gases with compactly designed test blocks and different configuration options with an optional electronic pressure control.
PCS Pressure Control System
The Pressure Control System, called PCS-System for short, automates pressure measuring tasks and control tasks with testing tasks for air and gases, as, for example, with the calibration and endurance testing of sensors and elements.
Measuring, testing and control systems for:
and pressure
Which measuring system
can best be used for which type of application?
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