ORI-FlowCal – software for calculation of orifice plates and nozzles
The ORI-FlowCal software allows the user to calculate the flow in orifice plates and nozzles using MS Excel. Both subcritical and critical operating nozzles are supported. With this Excel tool you can calculate the flow rates in orifice plates and nozzles with air and gases based on real working conditions.
Copy the MS Excel file to a local directory on your PC. Set the security level to "Medium" in the security settings of MS Excel (Tools/Macro/Security).
Please ensure that you enable the use of macros within the Tools settings!

Performance features:
- Flow element types:
Orifice corner pressure (ISO 5167-2 & ASME [<1.5"])
Orifice-D-D/2 (ISO 5167-2)
Orifice flange (ISO 5167-2)
Quadrant nozzle (VDI 2041)
Venturi nozzle (ISO 5167-3)
Venturi tube (ISO 5167-4 C=0,995)
Venturi tube-Re (ISO 5167-4 re-optimized)
SAO (VDI 204)
Inlet nozzle (re-optimized)
Throttle (restrictor)
Nozzle-crit (ISO 9300 critical nozzles) - Basis of calculation:
Geometric design data
- Media:
Air and gases
- Range of calculation types:
Velocity of speed
The ORI-FlowCal software can be found in the column
on the right for download free of charge in the latest version.
Calculates really easily the flow in orifice plates and nozzles!
Further information and technical details can be
found in the data sheet and on the product page