Precise Flow · Calibration · Test Equipment

Laminar Flow Elements – series LDS

The LFE series LDS for small flows is distinguished by an integrated calming section. The capillary geometry exists of smallest annular and comb matrices, which offer the major advantage, that the differential pressure in the slot-type capillary and therefore the purely laminar pressure drop can be measured in the capillary. This is a major advantage for measurements with different gases!


In this way flow acceleration in the transition from tube diameter to capillary diameter is already terminated in front of the positive differential pressure measuring point. The flow characteristic curve of the element gets more linear and pressure independent as with other LFE constructions.

LFE LDS connected to PDP sensor
LFE LDS connected to the PDP sensor

Product features include:

  • LFE matrix for flows of 10 ml/min up to 150 l/min
  • Accuracy better ±1% of the volume flow
  • Short overall length
  • No additional inlet/outlet section necessary
  • 10 mbar differential pressure at nominal flow
  • Operation with different clean gases

By using the PDP sensor very compact test section designs can be implemented.

LFE models LDS-ES and LDS-AL
LFE models LDS-ES (front) and LDS-AL


Aluminum body with installed aluminum core
differential pressure connection: M5i
process connection: G1/2" thread
nominal flow at differential pressure: 10 up to 150 l/min air at 10 mbar
operating limitations: 0 up to 70°C / 0.4 up to 10 bar abs.


Stainless steel body with installed stainless steel core
differential pressure connection: M5i
process connection: G1/8" up to G1/2" thread
nominal flow at differential pressure: 0,01 up to 5 l/min air at 10 mbar
operating limitations: 0 up to 70°C / 0.4 up to 10 bar abs.

This LFE series requires no straight inlet/outlet sections and it can be operated very well on the basis of a Hagen–Poiseuille evaluation with different gases.

Laminar Flow Elements series LDS

For high static pressures and small flows

More information and technical details can be
found in the data sheet

Data sheet:

Data sheet LFE-LDS


Manual LFE-LDS

Additional information
on this subject:


Flow calibration

Flow element software

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